Når dine ben er ved at smuldre under dig på kompagniløbet eller under ilmarchen, er der ikke andet for end at brøle smerten ud. Med en simpel omskoling til de såkaldte cadences kan I ensrette jeres udbrud i højlydt fællessang og glemme alt om tømmermænd og trætte ben.

Sådan synges cadences:

1. Marchér eller løb I takt til melodien

2. Sergent eller menig synger verslinje

3. De resterende gentager i kor

I tvivl om melodien?

Find sangene i SOLDATENs Cadence collection på Spotify, og fald ind i rytmen. Her vil du finde de nedenstående og flere cadences, som du og din deling kan gøre brug af, når det hele brænder på.

Mama, mama, can’t you see?

Egnet til: March (120 BPM)

Mama, mama, can’t you see?
What the Army’s done to me
Mama, mama, can’t you see?
What the Army’s done to me

They took away my faded jeans
Now I’m wearing Army greens
They took away my faded jeans
Now I’m wearing Army greens

Whoa x 4

Mama, mama…
They put me in a barber’s chair
I turned around, I had no hair
They put me in a barber’s chair
I turned around, I had no hair

Whoa x 4

Mama, mama…

I used to drive a Cadillac
Now I hump it on my back
I used to drive a Cadillac
Now I hump it on my back

Whoa x 4

Mama, mama…

I used to date a beauty queen
Now I hug my M-16
I used to date a beauty queen
Now I hug my M-16

I can run to Iraq like this

Egnet til: Løb (160 BPM)

I can run to Iraq like this
All the way to Iraq like this
And when I get to Iraq, Saddam’s gonna say
How’d you get here in just one day?
And I’ll reply with a whole lot of anger
Blood and guts and a little bit of danger


I can run to Afghan like this
All the way to Afghan like this
And when I get to Afghan, Osama’s gonna say
How’d you get here in just one day?
And I’ll reply with a whole lot of anger
Blood and guts and a little bit of danger


I can run to Russia like this
All the way to Russia like this
And when I get to Russia, Putin’s gonna say
How’d you get here in just one day?
And I’ll reply with a whole lot of anger
Blood and guts and a little bit of danger


I wanna be a drill instructor

Egnet til: Løb (160 BPM)

Hell yeah, here we go,

Up in the morning way to soon,
hungry as hell,
by noon
I went to the mess hall on my knees,
saying cow killer cow killer feed me please,
He looked at me with a big old grin,
If you wanna be a DI you gotta be thin,
I wanna be a drill instructor,
I wanna cut off all my hair,
I wanna be a drill instructor,
I wanna earn that smokey bear,

Oh yeah,

Mother of America meek and mild,
Send to me your sweet young child,
We’ll make him drill and we’ll make him run,
We’ll make some changes in your son,
And mothers of America meek and mile,
Don’t you worry about your young child,
We’ll make him drill and we’ll make him run,
We’re gonna make changes in your young son.

Få endnu flere tips til din værnepligt og læs SOLDATEN – De værnepligtiges magasin online!

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